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Feb 12, 2021
Turkey Cream Pasta
I know Christmas is past, but we happened to have a turkey in the freezer, so we decided to roast it. There being just the three of us...

Feb 7, 2021
Vegetable and Bulgur Wheat Stew
After a big shop for fresh veg (and not quite enough fridge space for everything), craving something quick and easy, but healthy and...

Feb 4, 2021
Stuffed Grape Leaves
A friend sent me a recipe from another blog,, for Turkish rice. The recipe looked good and it occurred to me that I...

Feb 2, 2021
Aubergine and Courgette Tart
I made this on a whim to change up our lunch menu from soups for a day. I had a vague idea of what I was heading for, but layered as I...

Jan 31, 2021
Caramel Chestnut Risotto
This is a dish that was inspired by something similar-ish we had on our trip to Ticino in the autumn. It was creamy and sweet yet...

Jan 24, 2021
White Lasagne
I received a cheese making kit from my in-laws for Christmas and tried it out for the first time today. I made my own ricotta, completely...

Jan 17, 2021
Beetroot Pasta with Broccoli Sauce and Garlic Shrimp
As mentioned in Day 96 of the Challenge Trouvez la VF en commentaire I love making home-made pasta. It seems like a lot of work, but my...

Jan 6, 2021
Broccoli Soufflé
Traditionally for New Year's Eve in my family we have a chocolate fondue. This being the case, I was looking for something light to make...

Dec 28, 2020
Beetroot and Pomelo Sauce with Sweet Potato Spirals or Cheesy Gnocchi
Due to Covid quarantining we could not be with all the family for Christmas, so I am waiting on the last 3 days of Christmas cookies...

Nov 26, 2020
Rosehip and Chestnut Chicken Stew
As mentioned in Day 93 of The Challenge I saw a recipe title for pomegranate and chestnut chicken stew, but we're in lock down and I...
Cooking for me is very much a shared experience. Please do feel free to send me requests, comments or questions.

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