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Aug 17, 2021
Apple Pectin
I was going to save this post until the autumn, but accidentally bought a bag of apples which turned out to not be very good eating...

Aug 15, 2021
Medieval Mead
For a long time, mead was something I had only ever read about in medieval literature, like Hrothgar's mead hall in Beowulf, or mead...

Aug 12, 2021
Rose Cake
The blog turned one this week! I've been playing around with the idea of making a rose cake for a while so I decided that now was a good...

Aug 8, 2021
Fenugreek "Maple" Crêpes
As with the Fenugreek Pancakes, I wanted to trial fenugreek's maple flavour in something that traditionally has maple syrup added to it....

Aug 5, 2021
Home-Made Yogurt
This one is half cheese journey and half recipe. I was asked for it by a colleague though, so here it is. Yogurt making is not massively...

Aug 3, 2021
Salted Caramel Ice Cream
From somewhere came the idea of trying a Salted Caramel Ice Cream recipe, and then on Binging with Babish I saw a trick for making Dulce...

Aug 1, 2021
First Forays into Cultured Cheese: Cream Cheese and Halloumi
Moving forward with my cheese making turned out to be something of a challenge. Despite Switzerland being a cheese-making country (like...

Jul 29, 2021
Tomato Ketchup
When I posted my home made mayo recipes a while back, a friend asked me for a ketchup recipe. It's been a little while coming, for which...

Jul 27, 2021
It was my mom's birthday recently, so I made her birthday cannolis instead of a cake. She's always loved cannolis but they aren't...

Jul 25, 2021
Rhubarb and Apple Blondies
After how good the Ginger and Pear Blondies were, the idea of trying a variant using rhubarb immediately came to mind when I had a load...
Cooking for me is very much a shared experience. Please do feel free to send me requests, comments or questions.

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