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Sep 21, 2021
Pumpkin and Rhubarb Tart
It's been a little while since I made a tart so I thought it was about time. I had fresh rhubarb from my parents' garden, and goats...

Sep 19, 2021
Rose Petal Risotto
I wanted to play around with using fresh rose petals and thought a risotto might be a way of playing around with the flavours. It didn't...

Sep 14, 2021
Sweet Potato Soup with Creamy Fromage Blanc and Spicy Red Pepper Paste
Sweet Potatoes are normally really expensive here, so when the price drops, I buy up loads of them. Usually, being a tuber, they last...

Sep 7, 2021
Lemon Mint Pesto
This year, I accidentally planted lemon mint on my balcony instead of a variety I might be more familiar with and like more, like, say,...

Sep 5, 2021
Spinach Borani
I love yogurt. Until relatively recently, though, aside from Tzatziki, it was a sweet food, usually for breakfast. Even plain yogurt,...

Aug 19, 2021
Cabécou Goat's Cheese
To be able to even attempt a goat's cheese I needed to first find goat's milk. The grocery store has cow and sheep cheese, and the local...

Aug 5, 2021
Home-Made Yogurt
This one is half cheese journey and half recipe. I was asked for it by a colleague though, so here it is. Yogurt making is not massively...

Aug 1, 2021
First Forays into Cultured Cheese: Cream Cheese and Halloumi
Moving forward with my cheese making turned out to be something of a challenge. Despite Switzerland being a cheese-making country (like...

Jul 27, 2021
It was my mom's birthday recently, so I made her birthday cannolis instead of a cake. She's always loved cannolis but they aren't...

Jun 25, 2021
Watermelon Rind Chutney
I heard that watermelon rind is edible and that it makes nice jam or chutney so I wanted to give it a try. I celebrated our first...
Cooking for me is very much a shared experience. Please do feel free to send me requests, comments or questions.

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