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Mar 8, 2022
Jerk (ish) Cardamom Mango
I made Jerk Chicken for the first time recently, from a recipe in my Spice Bible cookbook, and it worked out really well. One of the next...

Dec 28, 2021
Candied and Chocolate Covered Citrus and Ginger
Since first trying to candy and then chocolate cover orange peels last spring, I have branched out to ginger and other citrus fruit...

Dec 26, 2021
Roast Pumpkin Cookies
It is Christmas Cookie season again, and you may have noticed from some of my recent posts that I've been doing some baking. Along with...

Dec 18, 2021
Ginger Snaps: Revisited
Ginger Snaps are always a favourite at this time of year, and baking a variety of Christmas cookies is a joy of the season (as perhaps...

Dec 4, 2021
Winter Oatmeal
Having porridge most mornings of my life, sometimes it's nice to mix it up a little and change the flavours and textures. Here are a few...

Oct 8, 2021
Carrot Ketchup
Continuing on from that initial request for a ketchup recipe, here is another one. This time I decided to do a spiced (but not spicy)...

Sep 29, 2021
Chow Mein
I don't know where this craving came from, but I recently decided I wanted chow mein. Something with lots of veg and lots of flavour....

Sep 14, 2021
Sweet Potato Soup with Creamy Fromage Blanc and Spicy Red Pepper Paste
Sweet Potatoes are normally really expensive here, so when the price drops, I buy up loads of them. Usually, being a tuber, they last...

Jun 27, 2021
Rhubarb and Goat's Cheese Risotto
My dad brought by some rhubarb from his garden the other day. They are the biggest and longest rhubarb stalks I have ever seen. As well...

Jun 8, 2021
Grapefruit and Prune Cookies
This started out as a trialled tweak of the Orange Date Cookies back in the autumn. In a taste test of the two, we liked the Orange Date...
Cooking for me is very much a shared experience. Please do feel free to send me requests, comments or questions.

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