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Chestnut Ring Cookies

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me five Chestnut Rings, four Poppyseed cookies, three peppermint macaroons, two orange date cookies and a freshly baked ginger snap

I am very proud of these. These are the second cookies of my own that I've come up with in the last couple of months. They didn't come out quite as I had hoped, but they were very tasty none the less. To me, Christmas usually comes with Christmas markets where you, as a rule, must burn your fingers peeling roasted (over-priced) chestnuts from a paper cone. Thanks to Covid, I won't be going to any of those this year, but still wanted to capture that Christmassy flavour in cookies for one of these 12 days of Christmas cookies.


1/2 c butter, softened

3/4 chestnut paste

1 1/4 c brown sugar

3/4 tbsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp milk

1 egg

1 3/4 tsp cinnamon

3/4 tsp baking soda

1 3/4 c flour

1) Cream butter, chestnut and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the wet ingredients and then the dry and mix well.

2) Pipe the dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet in rings and then bake at 190°C for 8 minutes until golden brown.

3) Cool and then enjoy.

So very tasty! My husband says he doesn't want to share with anyone. I had hoped that the flavour of roasted chestnuts would come out, but it didn't. Instead there is a gentle sweetness and a delicate chestnut flavour blending with the cinnamon. These are definitely going on the "to make again" list! Thinking of trying another new chestnut variety where the chestnut would have more opportunity to roast rather than being part of the dough... hmmm... we'll see.

EDIT: I have now worked out a recipe where these taste more like roast chestnuts. Check it out here!

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