On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ten Christmas Butter Balls, nine Greek Apple Cookies, eight Cinnamon Stars, seven Basler Christmas Cookies, six Pumpkin and Pineapple Cookes, five Chestnut Rings, four Poppyseed Cookies, three Peppermint Macaroons, two Orange Date Cookies and a freshly baked Ginger Snap
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These have been Christmas cookies which have been traditional in my family for as long as I can remember. They come out at Christmas time and no other. Now that we are all together, Covid quarantining being over, it was time to get back on track for the 12 days of Christmas cookies and make them! They are decadent and crumbly, with a sweet coating and a deep, rich chocolatey interior. I absolutely love them and am very excited to share (with express permission from the gate keeper of family recipes).
1 c softened butter
3 tbsp sugar
3/4 c finely chopped walnuts
1 tsp vanilla (ish)
1 tbsp semi sweet mini chocolate chips
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon (ish)
1 1/2 c flour
Powdered sugar for dusting
1) Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy. Add nuts, vanilla and chocolate chips and stir well.
2) Gradually stir in dry ingredients. Shape the dough into marble-sized balls and space out on an ungreased cookie sheet.
3) Bake at 165°C for 15-17 minutes. Cool on the cookie sheet for a minute, then optionally, roll in powdered sugar.
It is only recently that I have tried making some of these without the powdered sugar. They are just as tasty but with a surprisingly different flavour profile, a deeper note without the extra sweetness. I absolutely love these! Happy New Year!
Voici la VF de la recette:
Boules de Noël au chocolat
Ce sont des biscuits de Noël qui sont traditionnels dans ma famille depuis toute ma vie. Ils sont faits à Noël et à aucun autre moment. Ils sont décadents et friables, avec un enrobage sucré et un intérieur chocolaté profond et riche. Je les adore et je suis très heureuse de les partager (avec l'autorisation expresse du gardien des recettes de famille).
225g de beurre ramolli
3 cs de sucre
75g de noix finement hachées
1 cc de vanille
1 cs de mini pépites de chocolat noir
1 cs de cacao en poudre non sucré
1 cc de cannelle
200g de farine
Sucre glace pour saupoudrer
1) Battre…