With pumpkins very briefly in season and available here, I am trying to take advantage. Some I am cooking with now, for tasty, warming autumnal foods, while others I am roasting and then freezing as pumpkin purée for future use. With some of this roasted pumpkin purée, I decided to make more muffins - still in a bid to stock up on breakfast foods for Little Bit before Littler Bit arrives, which require zero effort from me after the first half hour or so. I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with these, but then as I made up a batch of British Mix Spice for another recipe, I decided to use that. Mix Spice, as it turns out, is quite similar to Pumpkin Spice, but with some differences, most notable of which is the coriander powder. I decided to try out the spice blend on the pumpkin muffins, and I am quite pleased with it.
3 tbsp butter
2 tbsp light brown sugar
1 tbsp white sugar
1 egg
1 c milk
1 c white flour
1 c whole wheat flour
2 tsp mix spice*
3 tsp baking powder
2 tsp dried orange peel
1 c pumpkin purée
1 c dark chocolate chips
For a recipe for Mix Spice, here is the link to the one I used.
1) Cream together butter and sugars. Beat in egg and then stir in milk.
2) Gradually stir in dry ingredients, followed by pumpkin and chocolate chips.
3) Spoon into muffin cups, filling about 2/3 full. Bake at 200°C for 20-25 minutes, until a stabbing implement comes out clean (I favour knives for this, but I know some people like skewers. Stabber's choice really.)
I enjoyed these, especially with a smidge of butter. Little Bit tucked in quite happily, so I think my goal of providing something easy for him succeeded!
I must say though that the pumpkin flavour wasn't particularly strong. I have found that before when using my homemade pumpkin purée from roasted pumpkin, especially as contrasted with the much more pronounced flavour of tinned pumpkin, but being unable to get tinned pumpkin here, I am making do with what we have.
I also chopped up dark chocolate from a bar rather than using actual chips, and some of the pieces were (deliberately-accidentally) a bit on the larger side, so the final muffins had big gooey chocolate patches in them, which was not a bad thing in the least.